A Sketch of the Geography and Geology of the Himalaya Mountains and Tibet

A Sketch of the Geography and Geology of the Himalaya Mountains and Tibet

Sidney Gerald Burrard, Henry Hubert Hayden

Superintendent government printing, India, Calcutta, 1907

4 parts in 1 volume.  Rebound in modern navy cloth, with gilt spine lettering. Good binding and cover. Clean, unmarked pages.  2 photogravure plates, lithographic chart as frontispiece, 50 further charts numbered 1-49 (with two plates numbered 6), large folding geological map.  Contents: pt. I. The high peaks of Asia; pt. II. The principal mountain ranges of Asia; pt. III. The rivers of the Himalaya and Tibet; pt. IV. The geology of the Himalaya.  Yakushi B637.

  • Product Code: 2302240059
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $2,400.00
  • Ex Tax: $2,400.00


Tags: Asian History, Maps, Atlas