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Atlas and Gazetteer of the Holy ScripturesJenks, WilliamCharles Hickling, 1849.Bound in contemporary..
$85.00 Ex Tax: $85.00
Babylonian Talmud : Talmud Bavli (8 volume, deluxe binding)variousBloom; Blum, 2015Eight volumes. Fo..
$1,400.00 Ex Tax: $1,400.00
Biblia Sacra [The Gutenberg 42 Line Bible]Johann GutenbergPageant Books, New Jersey, 1961[Beau..
$4,250.00 Ex Tax: $4,250.00
Biblia Sacra Vulgatae Editionis Sixti v. & Clementis VIII ... Autoriate Recognita. Editio Noua, ..
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Biblia Sacra, Vulgatae Editionis Sixti V. Pontif. Max. Jussu Recognita Atque Edita, Versiculis Disti..
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Biblia, ad vetustissima exemplaria nunc recens castigata, Romaeque reuisa : in quibus Praeterea, qva..
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Biblia, Das ist die gantze Heilige Schrift durch D. Martin LutherMartin Luther; Paul TossanusFranckf..
$1,350.00 Ex Tax: $1,350.00
Biblia, Das Ist: Die Gantze Heilige Schrifft Deudsch. D. Martin Luther. 5 Bde Martin Luther; Ca..
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Biblia, Das ist: Die gantze Heilige Schrift Alten und Neuen Testaments. Martin Luther; Christoph Mat..
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Book of Hours Manuscript leaf, c. 1480Unknown scribe 15th C.148010 x 7.5 cm. Mounted leaf. 19 ..
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Book of Public Worship, for the Use of the New Church Signified by the New Jerusalem in the Revelati..
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British Monachism ; or, Manners and Customs of the Monks and Nuns of England. (2 volumes, bound as o..
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Caeremoniale Episcoporum Clementis VIII. Primum Nunc Denuo Innocentii Papae X Auctoritate Recognitum..
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Caii Sollii Apollinaris Sidonii Arvernorum episcopi opera. Jo. Savaro ClaromontensisGaius Sollius Ap..
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Certain most godly, fruitful, and comfortable letters of such true saintes and holy martyrs of God, ..
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